Toward simulating Black Widow binaries with CASTRO
Platon I. Karpov, Maria Barrios Sazo, Michael Zingale, Weiqun Zhang, and Alan C. CalderVolume 8, Issue 3 (December 2017), pp. 25–29
@article{jocse-8-3-4, author={Platon I. Karpov and Maria Barrios Sazo and Michael Zingale and Weiqun Zhang and Alan C. Calder}, title={Toward simulating Black Widow binaries with CASTRO}, journal={The Journal of Computational Science Education}, year=2017, month=dec, volume=8, issue=3, pages={25--29}, doi={} }
We present results and lessons learned from a 2015-2016 Blue Waters Student Internship. The project was to perform preliminary simulations of an astrophysics application, Black Widow binary systems, with the adaptive-mesh simulation code Castro. The process involved updating the code as needed to run on Blue Waters, constructing initial conditions, and performing scaling tests exploring Castro's hybrid message passing/threaded architecture.