The Computer Science Education Collaborative: Promoting Computer Science Teacher Education Programs for Preservice and In-service Teachers

Regina Toolin, Lisa Dion, and Robert Erickson

Volume 12, Issue 1 (January 2021), pp. 2–7

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  author={Regina Toolin and Lisa Dion and Robert Erickson},
  title={The Computer Science Education Collaborative: Promoting Computer Science Teacher Education Programs for Preservice and In-service Teachers},
  journal={The Journal of Computational Science Education},
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This article reports on the efforts of the Computer Science Education Collaborative during the period between 2018–2020 to develop and implement a new computer science licensure program for preservice teachers seeking a license to teach computer science in grades 7–12 in Vermont. We present a brief review of the literature related to computer science teacher education and describe the process of developing the computer science education minor and major concentration at the University of Vermont. As a form of reflection, we discuss the program development process and lessons learned by the collaborative that might be informative to other institutes of higher education involved in CS teacher education program design and implementation. Finally, we describe next steps for developing in-service licensure programs for teachers seeking computer science professional development or licensure in grades 7–12.