HPC Education and Training: an Australian Perspective

Maciej Cytowski, Luke Edwards, Mark Gray, Christopher Harris, Karina Nunez, and Aditi Subramanya

Volume 10, Issue 1 (January 2019), pp. 48–52


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  author={Maciej Cytowski and Luke Edwards and Mark Gray and Christopher Harris and Karina Nunez and Aditi Subramanya},
  title={HPC Education and Training: an Australian Perspective},
  journal={The Journal of Computational Science Education},
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The Pawsey Supercomputing Centre has been running a variety of education, training and outreach activities addressed to all Australian researchers for a number of years. Based on experience and user feedback we have developed a mix of on-site and online training, roadshows, user forums and hackathon-type events. We have also developed an open repository of materials covering different aspects of HPC systems usage, parallel programming techniques as well as cloud and data resources usage. In this paper, we will share our experience in using different learning methods and tools to address specific educational and training purposes. The overall goal is to emphasise that there is no universal learning solution, instead, various solutions and platforms need to be carefully selected for different groups of interest.