Testing the Waters with Undergraduates (If you lead students to HPC, they will drink)
Angela B. Shiflet and George W. ShifletVolume 1, Issue 1 (December 2010), pp. 33–37
@article{jocse-1-1-5, author={Angela B. Shiflet and George W. Shiflet}, title={Testing the Waters with Undergraduates (If you lead students to HPC, they will drink)}, journal={The Journal of Computational Science Education}, year=2010, month=dec, volume=1, issue=1, pages={33--37}, doi={https://doi.org/10.22369/issn.2153-4136/1/1/5} }
For the Blue Waters Undergraduate Petascale Education Program (NSF), we developed two computational science modules, "Biofilms: United They Stand, Divided They Colonize" and "Getting the 'Edge' on the Next Flu Pandemic: We Should'a 'Node' Better." This paper describes the modules and details our experiences using them in three courses during the 2009-2010 academic year at Wofford College. These courses, from three programs, included students from several majors: biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, physics, and undecided. Each course was evaluated by the students and instructors, and many of their suggestions have already been incorporated into the modules.