Infusing Fundamental Competencies of Computational Science to the General Undergraduate Curriculum

Ana C. González-Ríos

Volume 12, Issue 3 (December 2021), pp. 27–34

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  author={Ana C. Gonz\'{a}lez-R\'{i}os},
  title={Infusing Fundamental Competencies of Computational Science to the General Undergraduate Curriculum},
  journal={The Journal of Computational Science Education},
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The growing need for a workforce that can analyze, model, and interpret real-world data strongly points to the importance of imparting fundamental concepts of computational and data science to the current student generation regardless of their intended majors. This paper describes the experiences in developing and implementing a course in computation, modeling, and simulation. The main goal of the course was to infuse fundamental competencies of computational science to the undergraduate curriculum. The course also aimed at making students aware that modeling and simulation have become an essential part of the research and development process in the sciences, social sciences, and engineering. The course was targeted to students of all majors.